I was informed yesterday that the 7 am System Software lecture is cancelled cuz Pinky Ma'am is not going to come, so dat meant I had only HTML at 8.40 today..
I got up at 7.30, mom tells me she had been waking me up since 7.. !!!
I couldn't even open my eyes wide open at 7.30, i forced myself to stand up at 7.45, and ran to the bathroom, bathed, dressed up, poured hot coffee down my throat..!! And then rushed to the bus-stop at 8.35 hoping the bus would arrive in another 5 minutes, i'd just be 5-10 minutes late then..!!
That's when I took my cellphone out to listen to music as usual, and I saw this yellow envelope on my screen, there was a msg, thought it must be some dumb msg from Vodafone as usual asking me if I wanted to know what my stars have to say today, or if I wanted to make a new "friend" at Rs.6/min!! (Who says money can't buy everything :D ) .. Unfortunately it wasn't, it was a classmate : "Harpreet sir is also not coming today, please pass on this msg to everyone!" It was HIS lecture at 8.40 , so dat meant no college at all today !!!!
I cursed myself for not reading the msg as soon as I got up, atleast I could have gone back to sleep again..
I went back home, and somehow now I cant even sleep properly, my head is starting to pain now.. and the smallest of things is irritating me.. :-(
I cursed myself for not reading the msg as soon as I got up, atleast I could have gone back to sleep again..
I went back home, and somehow now I cant even sleep properly, my head is starting to pain now.. and the smallest of things is irritating me.. :-(
dearie.. it happenz wid every1 @ sum point or d othr........ n alwys chk ur cel b4 goin 2 collg.. it helps [lol].. tc re... hpe u r mor careful frm nxt tym so tht u hav an uniterrupted morning sleeep @!@
k tc cheerios !!!
:D :D ha.. haa... ha... happens, sweetie, happens!!
And hey, you have been tagged!! :)
Your teacher's name is "pinky"..???? ROFLMAO...!!
Yeah i always do dat now !! :D
Yes I knw, I'll do dat tag today itself. :)
I just knew u'd say dat !!!
I know her name is a little funny but shes one of my favourite teachers.. x(
Ok, I'm sorry! Teachers who have funny names are quite easy to like... Heheh!!
Pinky??? Seriously??? lol...
and damn! no college and yu were pissed off? I used tu cook up excuses...like "no ironed dress...cant go tuday" "tumoro hartal, better not go tuday" "we might have 3 free hours; no point going tuday"...and the like ! :D
Oooops...just saw yur reply tu mirrorcracked :D :D
actually, Pinky is a nice, pink name :D
Its ok .. :D
it was expected frm u :P
I was pissed off only cuz I was all dressed up and ready to go, and then I came 2 knw lecs had been cancelled, cudnt even go back to sleep.. !!
And its ok.. i know the name's a lil funny :) hehe..
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