It's been a week since I joined this company (can't take names.. company policy it seems!) and so far I can undoubtedly term it as an experience of hell on earth! I came here only to build myself a career in development and I don't think I'll last here long enough. I miss my old workplace terribly.. I miss everything about it.
First of all, I miss looking forward to coming to work. I'd always look forward to meeting my team- Calvin, Abdul, Manwar, Anandji, Abhishek and our mentor- Pandeji!

I miss having a laughter-filled lunch break. Calvin and I would always joke about the canteen food being unlimited and how we could mint money out of it! One comment from Calvin and I'd be on a laughter riot! Once, we even played table tennis in the air when no one was looking. Our rule was to not let the ball hit the table- NO MATTER WHAT! :D He's the best combo of a funny+ sweet friend I've ever met!

I miss my long philosophical conversations with Abdul. We'd get into discussions, debate on something, and then Google would solve it for us sometimes.
I miss Manwar who'd always scare me off and then himself protect me from falling into a soup..
I miss having fights with Abhishek! :D
I miss Jigy's witty comments and the way he'd make fun of my walk and my way of talking. I wish there was a Jigy at my new workplace!
It was always a pleasure talking to people like Birju, it'd leave me feeling so calm, happy and better about myself :)
I miss Krishna's innocence, his laugh and his way of saying "Dude" :D
I miss flirting with Nolan on our internal chat client. I miss Janeve too.
I miss all those little things like wearing casuals to work everyday.
I miss going for tea breaks whenever I wanted to and sipping on endless cups of tea whilst working. Here, we have to wait for ONE tea break and can't even take the cup outside the vending machine area!
I miss sitting with my team in the parking lot and laughing my heart out!
I miss everything... :(
This too shall pass..........
Jus give it sum time.... u neva know... things change... jus give it a chance....u'll get thru it, jus like u've survived thru everythin else... so chin up... :)
We all adapt to change provided we give it time, space and the patience necessary. The basic human nature to survive basically kicks in anywhere. So you would eventually get used to it no matter how sickening it might seem at first :) keep hope!
Firstly, well written :)~
Don't worry dear DotB things will fall in place for you and remember whatever happens happens for the best buddy. Use the Attack mechanism than the defense one here. Your time will come :)~
Take care and say a Hi to Mona :P~
jus chill as far as i know r pretty strong n dnt wry so much abt it ,this too willl come to Pass jus like everything else has..i knw u will do well n overcome dis cheer up darling!!!Everything has its time...Give it sometime everything will be KK..k
you will be fine sweets! :) Take care!
still having tough time adjusting? I say work where u r that u may never feel u r "working" :)
i dunno i just tumbled upon i just started missin my college life...u write too heavly to kindle the nostalgia in u n me n everyone....haa?...great work!!!!:)
I really hope I get through it, it's getting frustrating each day!!! Thanks though, and if you haven't already read my comment-space here --> Calvin says "Hi" :D
Trying to keep hope but it gets difficult each day, i just hope i don't give up!!
Firstly I'm missing you like crazy! I really wish there was a Calvin around here to keep me company.
I'll send you "an aeroplane", come here! :P
I really hope things fall in place and work out as I want them to ( I doubt I even want them to work out!!)
Just pray that I overcome it, and I regret the fact that I asked you to change your words last month!!! :(
Thanks!! :) muaah!
I know, I should have stuck to my old workplace but I've made the move now..let's see how it goes!
Welcome to my blog! :)
And thanks for the compliments! :)
Always move are good :) so u made it. Changes always yields to betterment. You have good sense of articulating :) Perfect girl :)
Hey Anubha...
Everyone here misses making fun of you .. :D
Just kiddin.. you know that naa.. :D
Hope you are will have fun over there!!!
TC.. Keep in touch...
I miss you all too :(
Soooo muchh!!! :(
Not having fun at all here!
Add me on GTalk right away!
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