Many Bombayites spent their Sunday fruitfully this week- painting the walls of Tulsi Pipe road from Mahim to Lower Parel at the WALL PROJECT. I missed it the last time (15th August 2009). It was too late by the time I got to know of it and the very next day, I added myself to their group on Facebook promising myself not to miss it the next time after ogling at the photos for over an hour!
My life has taken a complete turn ever since I switched jobs and I crave to find time for myself! Spent Saturday night at my childhood chum Chinky's place who was lecturing me, stressing on the fact that her job sucked more than mine and that it's a way of life. I slept really late but it was a peaceful sleep after having found some solace in the fact that I wasn't alone!
The WALL PROJECT was to start at 8 am and people could paint right upto 8pm. Aditi, Neeraj and I decided to be the first ones to get there so that we'd get the best wall and even some of those limited paints! I set an alarm for 7.30 on 2 different cellphones and a clock. Needless to say, a lazy bum that I am, I stopped all of them when they went off and slept away to glory! It was only at 9.30 that I woke up with a start, realising I had to go somewhere! I checked my cellphone expecting my inbox to be flooded and to find a good number of calls unattended. I got nothing. Aditi was asleep and so was Neeraj. I had to wake them up and finally, we all got ready, Alisha joined in too and both of us stepped out. We reached at 1pm and saw the entire street all bright and colourful, people were still painting and each work of art was remarkable! We wanted to get started as soon as possible. There were a few cans of paint left in the BMC truck but we bought some nevertheless, along with some mugs, brushes and a roller. Alisha and I booked our walls and waited for Aditi. She arrived soon and we quickly planned on drawing the Bandra Worli sea-link! I had thought of drawing the Java cup symbol a week back but then the sea-link seemed far more exciting and we started off with it. Alisha drew a Unicorn and she finished in no time! We were still painting the wall-background blue when she was all done with her painting. Neeraj came a little later and joined us in completing the sea-link. He took a lot of photographs capturing every good angle of all the paintings!

We took the longest time for the sea-link and it turned out to be worse than what we expected! But we had fun and clicked as many photos of it as possible, posing with the moon and the boat. :D We even wrote our Twitter handles on it! When you do something with all your heart, you love and cherish it no matter how good or bad it is! :)

It was a great feeling to see so many people painting together, one wall-different people- professional artists, first-timers (like us), toddlers and some street kids too! It just makes me love Bombay all the more!!!
Here are some of the paintings on our side of the street (courtesy: Neeraj :))

Loved this wall the best of all that I saw-

The artist-

You can check out all of the paintings here:
And add yourself to the group here:

Happy Painting! :)
Nice pics... pity that the vandals plucked the fruits too cruelly!
Hey Nice post. It's looking too good. All colorful colorful.
It really was awesome fun. Truly - "A Fruitful Sunday!" =)
Perfect selection of pics .You did noce painting yar. and Best among them is tweet ID of u frnds. I am going 2 follow all them now. Last but not least , you are having very good execution mind. There are very rare people who learn JavaScript in day and blog in night. Ur blog says u r thinker :) Keep it up looking forward more from u
Wish that MNS activists don't read your post else they can sue you for using 'Bombayites' in place of 'Mumbaikars' :P
Wowww sounds so fun... :D Next time i also wish to go there..And about your Painting i loved the boat...Imagine if it was shakalaka boom boom wala paint brush toh it would hav come to life...N den we had two two bandra worli sea link.. hehehhehhe
Great Work...Really a fruitful sunday.
Well anu you r always upto doing something new or different in your life..Thats great always keep it up.. :D TC!
awesome effort!!
What a way to spend a sunday! Its the effort that counts, so what if your painting didn't turn out as good as you wanted, eh! :)
Btw, that painting in 10th photo, Absolut Mumbai looks pretty slick. And that "Pardon My Garden" is cool as well. :)
Great effort Anubha, but whats with the java Cup? Also, what is a black boat doing at the Bandra-Worli Sea link? :P~
Never-the-less, great effort. Next time please inform me DotB.
Good one .....
Bad ... in Chennai we don't have anything like this ...hope some one will start ...
Hey Dear,u write very very well..I am a big fan of yours....Gud Luck
Yes, too bad they did that. I'm glad they're off now!! :)
Welcome to my blog btw ;)
Nice blog you have there too!!!
Hehe, thanks dear! :)
Thanks a lot. I guess, somehow, we always find the time and the energy to do the things we love doing and this is one of them. :)
Haahaahaa I don't care!
I prefer "BOMBAY" :)
Hehe, I guess everyone loved the boat more than the bridge :D
Well thanks a lot dear, will inform you next time! :)
Thanks!! :)
Yes it's the effort that counts, and we did it with so much enjoyment that it didn't really matter how it turned out in the end!
I loved "Absolut Mumbai" and "Pardon my Garden" both! :)
Java cup was an easier option, and thoda side-effect tha new job ka :P The black boat's sinking like the titanic. :P
Will surely inform you next time, do come!!!
@Vipin M
Welcome to my blog! :)
Why someone? You can start too! Just gather a couple of friends, or start painting a wall yourself and just see how many people turn up!
Thanks a lot!!! :)
The graffiti stuff you all do is just awesome.
You all are adding color to Mumbai!!
Keep up the good work. :-)
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