Life is always a pursuit of something. There is always a motive, a goal to be achieved that drives us to rise up early each day and go to work even if that means missing out on "FRIENDS", "MIND YOUR LANGUAGE" and "DIFFERENT STROKES" in the wee hours of the morning(*sob*). But seriously, if we stopped wanting more things, what would we be living for? We'd be doing our chores daily without ever knowing WHY. There would be no purpose to it and trust me, that can drive you crazy (SERIOUS!). We would merely exist, but cease to LIVE. What difference then between fauna and us humans?
Man is constantly in search of meaning, a goal, happiness and peace while animals lack cognition and live for survival alone. Many of us are satisfied with what we're doing but that fades away in time and we start wanting newer things and work towards achieving those. The confused lot (including Yours Truly :P) lacks a goal and hence, is always unstable. They want to dig a spoon everywhere to see which taste they like the best and they don't know which icecream bucket to start from! It makes you insecure, scared of your own self, unsure about yourself and everything else in life, and believe me, nothing can get worse than that. It needs a lot of control on the mind to be able to know what you want, to work towards it, to FOCUS! Not all of us are lucky enough to be born with a clear vision but we can certainly discover it.

We also need to understand and accept things that we feel we don't want (this one's for me-- trying to convince my conscience that "it's not that bad, it's okay, calm down"! :D).
It's strange that you can decide so easily for others but when it comes to your own self, you're puzzled. Discovering yourself is not easy, but once you've done it, life cannot get any better! :)
Yes...piece of mind and peace of mind...I'm pretty CERTAIN that there's no firm answer to your question. Its probably like getting married ya know, u would JUST KNOW that its right (as told to me by others, I'm still single :D) ... There's a a famous quote that goes on to say 'There's always one more thing to do'. We'll never run out of things to do and I suppose there's very little that can be done in this regard. Today, leading a simple life is probably the luxury only very few can afford. And I don't think discoverinbg self is such an easy task either, probably give it time and life wuill unfold right in fronta your own eyes!
i remember a girl who wanted 2 achieve alot...who took up too many things, who wanted 2 do too many things at a time.... but i also remember that she was happy, that she believed in herself....
2day i dont see her anymore , i see someone who questions herself all the time, i think even if she shud be happy is a question to her.....
she's lost a part of herself along the way...
Yes v all wanna achieve alot in life, n its true that v can neva be satisfied thats the reason v r human...But i dont think v can eva be satisfied, cuz wen u achieve all ur goals n ur satisfied wid dem , ders sure 2 be sumthin else that v'll end up craving for... the point is u have 2 let go, u have 2 be happy, believe in urself n stop questioning urself all the time...
I jus hope that u find wat ur looking for, that u find the answers 2 all ur questions...n that u can be that happy girl who i once knew.... thats all....
Hmmm what is your sun sign?
Not all of us are lucky enough to be born with a clear vision but we can certainly discover it... Thats so true and that is the fun of life. If we already knew what is going to happen then life would be so simple with no twist and turns.There would be no suspense and everything would be so predictable.Even though sometimes we are so frustated that we want our life to be crystal clear but still life is Sport.
Do u remember the time when you were going through bad phase in life.
you said that you dont know what you want from life and feel so empty within. Isnt it better to be greedy in life. Expecting good things to happen.Stretchin yourself to make your dreams come true.Than living a meaningless life with no ambition or dreams.
That is the Zest of life!That is the Spirit of Living......
Perfect again :) I m ruuing out of word to praise this post. But good work TeaTatter :) sorry Abubha sorry Anu.. so u knw XML nd u write also .. awsome :) looking more from u :)
Yes I am giving it time, don't know how long this will go on though! Wish I knew! And yes, there is always one more thing to do. In my case, there are many!! :D
I think someone had a big impact on my life and I ended up losing myself because of that someone.
I hope to find my answers too..
You will see that happy girl soon :)
Saggi.. why?
To stretch and make your dreams come true, you ought to know what your dreams are. It's difficult to find out what you want, and even if you do know what you want, if you're going in the right direction!
Thanks a lot ! :)
hello, the comic is really funny :p
Welcome to my blog :)
And thanks!!! :)
loved it.Very well conveyed.Hope to write like you soon. Cheers !
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