It's been two years since I turned eighteen but never really got an opportunity to vote.
And yesterday I did it-finally! I was thrilled to see my name on the Voters list last month, and I had started preparing since then! :D
Yeah you read that right- preparing!
Right since I was a kid, I'd envy my parents who'd come home with inks on their index fingers. Not that I was interested in politics.. I just wanted to feel like a grown up, an adult, and contribute to the society in some way.. strange, I know. As soon as I checked my name online, I called up all my college friends to check theirs too and guided them through the process.. I was the only fortunate one whose name was on the list,almost none of my friends could vote this year.. :D I kept logging in to the Jaago re, Janaagraha, One Billion Voters sites to check out the profiles of all the candidates in my constituency. I wanted it to be perfect! I even bought a t-shirt that says "I Vote" from my designer friend Neil who designed it himself!

And finally the day arrived. The day most of us would spend holidaying, or in bed.. I was already on all those sites, confirming my booth number, booth address.. I put on that tee, carried my PAN and ration card, and proudly marched my way to the venue! I was smiling at everyone there.. Trust me, it DOES scare people ! :D After getting my details verified, and showing them an identification proof, I voted ! And got my finger marked..!!! Atlast! :)
I felt a sense of pride!
Just going around showing people the middle finger now! :D
good dear gr88 job. magar dear india mein politician sab chor hai aap apna farz nibha rahe ho.
nice to see u taking pride in sumthing that some people snub at nowdays .. "my vote aint gonna make any difference .. " , well point the 'inked' middle finger at such people .. :D .. keep up the good work and am eager to see more of the odysseys(even ballads nd waltzes for that matter) of ur mind .. kudos :)
and am a blogger as well .. see my work if u have time :)
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