Wednesday, February 8, 2012

KGAF (Day 38 - Project 366)

Today was a quick and short trip to KGAF..

Just looked around a bit and sat for a Sufi play which bored us.. We got up and left 20 minutes into the play. As I mentioned in my last post, I am sick & my cold medication was already making me sleepy. The slow play was adding to it. Tom Alter was the lead performer. He is a pretty good actor but I didn't like the pace of the play. Or maybe the genre wasn't for me.

The Old Man & The Sea (A Sufi Fable)

So we just looked around at the stalls and the visual art work. Some of them were really interesting:

These were the bins where we could drop our doubts, fears and sadness.. It's called the 'pool of shit'. Pretty good way of dumping all that waste, eh?

Board of compassion by the kids. These are the compassionate acts done by them. :)

This reminded me of the Art Umbrella for obvious reasons! :D

Free hug :P

Portrait painting..

Check this dude making music with his nose:

Isn't he cool?

Bisleri bottles put to use..

Bottles used for decorating the tree.. made for a good Facebook & Google+ profile picture! :P

That's a 3D pyramid made of cutting chai glasses.. tons of pictures clicked here! :)

That is all for now.. it was just a quick trip. I'll be visiting again for a longer time on Saturday. For those interested, the festival is on till the 12th of February i.e. next Sunday and you can view/download the schedule here. :)

1 comment:

Sakhi said...

I am gonna go to mumbai next year for KGAF... I have decided!!!