And we all know how those very 5 minutes seem like agessss when we're waitin for that boring Physics lecture to end ... (One of the reasons I dropped Physics !) I keep looking at my watch as the second-hand ticks away till the fifth minute !! And it takes foreverrrr to do that lemme tell u ... I could take a short nap hiding behind that journal by that time!
Speaking of naps, I always set my alarm to ring at 6.15 a.m. , and then I have this habit of snoozing it every time till my mom screams (sometimes I wish I could Snooze her too :D) .. Anyway, so it rings soon after 5 minutes , and I always feel like I had just closed my eyes ! Those 5 minutes seem to pass so fast when we want to sleep some more....
Then again, these 5 minutes seem painfully slow when you're waitin to meet someone dear ..!!I had this friend of mine who would always be late .. Usually , its me who's never on time.. But
she's even more unpunctual.. I would finish 4 levels of Snake on my phone till that time!
So what's the deal with 5 minutes?
When there's something that we want to do, time seems to fly .. and we end up falling short of it .. But when we're idle , or spending time without being interested in what we're doing , it looks like there're n number of seconds in a minute ! :-)
Had been tagged by my friend RJ to write this post , so temme how y'all liked it .. It'll take just "5 minutes" of ur time !! :D