ok so my first year (bsc-comp sci) exams got over on the 17th of march..
a whole year has gone and i didnt even realise it..
had so much fun in college this year. it completely changed me.
made so many new friends, got an awesome group.. Haseena's chapad-chapad, Aditi's phone habits, Aparna's "Marro!!!", Prasad's "Chhottey", Sonu's handsfree, Deepali's bindaaas attitude, Jaspreet's PJs, Sana and Sanket's romancing hehehe ... its all so nice..
Interacted with wonderful teachers like Siby Sir, Pinky ma'am and Rashmi ma'am...
Designed so many things for college! Was delighted to see my name printed on the first page of the coll mag this year..

Then there was the IT fest...
Nitya, Mhatre, Gurpreet, Prasad, Nishant, Dilip, Kashish, Chetan, Harmeet, Santosh and myself-- we all formed the Organising Committee and the fest was a success..
Learnt a lot of things from it. We made a great team.
a whole year has gone and i didnt even realise it..
had so much fun in college this year. it completely changed me.
made so many new friends, got an awesome group.. Haseena's chapad-chapad, Aditi's phone habits, Aparna's "Marro!!!", Prasad's "Chhottey", Sonu's handsfree, Deepali's bindaaas attitude, Jaspreet's PJs, Sana and Sanket's romancing hehehe ... its all so nice..
Interacted with wonderful teachers like Siby Sir, Pinky ma'am and Rashmi ma'am...
Designed so many things for college! Was delighted to see my name printed on the first page of the coll mag this year..

Then there was the IT fest...
Nitya, Mhatre, Gurpreet, Prasad, Nishant, Dilip, Kashish, Chetan, Harmeet, Santosh and myself-- we all formed the Organising Committee and the fest was a success..
Learnt a lot of things from it. We made a great team.
Participated in so many inter-collegiates and actually won !
The DJ party was fun too.
Our class community on Orkut that was created on the 8th of Jan also brought all of us together...
Abhishek (the Linux guy ;-) ) actually started talking to all of us after the community was created... hehe..
And I got an awesome class. I can say its the BEST ! If there was a "Best class of the year" award, my class would get it !! We are all so united..and free with each other, there's nothing like it.

My life has completely changed after the first year.
I made friends with someone like Haseena whom I never thought would help me overcome something I was trying for a long time. She changed me a lot, in a good way dat is.. She's closest to me now.. and will always be..

Made friends with Osci (oscar) , and i'll always be thankful to Orkut for dat ! He too has changed me in a lot of ways unknowingly. He's a chweet friend and always listens to my bad-bad on gtalk !! hehe
Will always cherish friends like Haseena and Osci.
And lastly, of course, I am very lucky... luckiest... "lucky" is not the word --- to have friends like Mona and Shrushti..jpg)
And lastly, of course, I am very lucky... luckiest... "lucky" is not the word --- to have friends like Mona and Shrushti.
I can always count on them at anytime !!! (this suits shrushti more--shez an owl !!)
About Dinoo.. I have given him a lot of trouble in the recent months... but I hope he understands what I went through. Things have changed a lot. But I'll still be there 4 him... always :-)
Thats about it for now...
Holidays goin on and I'm enjoying every bit of them.. does get a lil boring sometimes but its ok !!!
Will write more on that front later..
adios !!
hiee annu!!!!, lemme tell u...dis blog very sweet...thnx 4 all da praises u hv showered on me...but let me tell u..u r a ver sweet,cute,trustworthy,innocent,helpful person...thrz much more abt u..n so u deserve it!!u r sweet-heart!!da most imp thng abt u is tht u hv always trusted me...u always aclrified thngs wid...asked me...n beleived my word...u knw it vey well tht i tak unnecessary tension..n wenevr i took tension 4 any silly reasn...u hv consoled me...n supported me...by tellin me tht m rite!!!! while doin anythin..i ws always assured tht watevr i do..ul always support m..n wil always b thr with me..!!i never knew il get close 2 us o mch...but m happy nw...tht v r very close frndz!!! n wish it remains da same 4 evr!! lemme tell u...da most imp thng abt u i lik is...u demand time dfrm ppl u love..n evn give time 2 ppl!! tht gives a boost 2 ur relatnsp wid others...well amy GOD BLESS U!!! n may u lead a lovely life...n whether v r 2gethr or way in future...ur place in my heart n life will nvr change...LOVE U LOTSSS!!!!!!
osci is handsome
Miss. Anonymous .... take ma number 4m anu n gimme a call ;-)
Your a wonderfuL package of Friendship! Thus u'LL never be short of Friends.
So i kno where ever you go,
u'LL certainly make a Load of buDDies~
Years wiLL go by
and u'LL have a loTT more to BLOG about~
and i'LL coMMent as usual
neil dantas
(for the doers)
hii anu,me thinks i shud also folow ur footsteps.Hvnt read ur post thou,do c 4 my spcl inputs in response 32 ur posts,bye,tc
hey r osci.....btw...hppy bday....
i dunt hv ne intentions 2 call u....
thnx 4 d advice thou:p
Osci !!!! kuch kaam nahi hai kyaaaa !!!! :-X
Comment on mah blog, not on other comments !! idiot !! :-X
long blog...nice photos.
i write ones with tangential references...this one is straight from the heart though.
good start.
Hey Anu, thnks for writing so many good things abt me ;)
Nice Blog....
Hey Angel,
Dont have to be down for whatever happened, neways i too will there for you always...
And about blog, its just the wastage of Internet bandwidth.
Side effects of vacations
Zero learning
And hell lot of things...
But still i am posting a msg on your blog, to make people realize, how IT people are harassed... :))
Hope our mutual friend Oscii will agree on this. kya bey sahi hai na.. ;)
Stay chilled !
Enjoy !
Absolutely rite yaar !!!! ;-)
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