My mother always tells me I'm very lucky and she attributes it to my joint eyebrows :D I never believed her until last month. Just a week after I wrote a post on jobs and recession, I got through an interview with Directi Internet Solutions, and I'm now a software engineer operations associate! :)

The entire process lasted for a good 6 hours..!! There was an aptitude test
(logical,analytical,arithmetic,english), an essay-writing test, a letter writing test, an Excel test, a technical interview, and a 2 hour long personal interview!! After all of it was over, I really didn't care about getting selected or rejected. All I wanted was to go home and get some rest. I was actually surprised when I was told I was selected, was to join on the 1st of June and the package offered was also pretty decent (a LOT for a fresher actually!). The interviewer scared me, he took my case royally, and when I found out he's my mentor, I was all the more worried and thought of how I'm going to put up with him..! But now I realise how wrong I was.. he is actually the most approachable and knowledgeable person in the whole team, and I'm actually lucky to have him as my mentor! The company is amazing too, it's very flexible as far as timings are concerned, and the best part-- no dress code! I actually see people coming to work in shorts, who look like they bathe every New Years! This company also has a small "tuck-shop" (snack bar) where you can treat your stomach for free :D , and I simply love the hot chocolate there, not to mention the freshly squeezed sweet lime juice :)
The first couple of days were hard, I felt like I had started working too early and SOOO wanted to go back to college.. By the time I came home, it was time for dinner and there was nothing left to do but sleep. Felt like I had no life! A week later I enjoyed the workplace so much.. now I don't feel like coming back home too soon! :D
On Friday, I got another sweet surprise :) My results were out! It was all unexpected.. I was hoping for them to be out by the end of this month...was walking back home from office that day, when I got a call from my classmate telling me I've passed with first class! I didn't believe him at all.. I hadn't really thought I'd score that much!! I came home and checked out the university website, kept hitting F5 a good 10-20 times till I was convinced it was my result :D And I still feel I don't deserve it considering how I had studied... I would promise myself that I'd stay up with my books till 5 in the morning and revise atleast twice, and would fall fast asleep at 12.30 ! :D I remember orkutting and chatting on Gtalk just 3 hours before my exam could start, followed by playing loud music! It was a pattern that most of us followed as our "Stress buster" ! I'd come out worrying after every exam, hoping I'd pass... I still fail to gather how I got a first class and stood 5th in college :D
Like all this wasn't enough, my mentor (whom I thought was scary and hostile) congratulated me with a banana-walnut cake from Ribbons and Balloons, which I cut for my whole team. And it was DE-LI-CIOUS! :)
Enjoying every moment now.. really thank God for this..!! bye for now .. go get lucky! :P
so everything is going good for you .... congratulations ..... may your good luck continues for a long long time to come ;) ....
P.S. can I have a bit of luck as well ??? ... My results are about to be declared :P
Haahaa.. yes you can have a share of it :P :P All the best for your result.. and thanks for your wishes!!! :)
Thank you :)
Lucky U....its a really lucky thing to be lucky ;-)
Actually u made me nostalgic, as similar things had happened to me when I graduated last year.
Good Luck...may your luckiness continue for you as well as those who comment on your blog ;-)
does that Luck factor helps me if i comment on 'lucky' post :o
Congratulations !!
Good for u!
Hey Thanks for visiting my blog.. And yeah, it sure IS lucky to be lucky! :)
hehehe.. yeah it does.. it rubs off you know :P
Thanks !! :)
Thanks dear :)
Congrats on getting the job, congrats on passing the exams & congrats on being "lucky"! :)
really good re,....... keep d good work up n u wil be blessed wid more luck !!! [;)] tc anubis... Biee
p.s. nw dt u r working full-time, can v expect less posts ?? hehe Bie
Congrats :D
Welcome to my blog :)
Thanks, thanks and thanks again! :D
Thanks a lot.
Well you can expect the opposite :P
Thank you... :) :)
Congratulations for ur job and results...
May luck continue to shower on U and all :)
Thanks a ton! And welcome to my blog! :)
Thanks for the welcome again. I think I commented on an earlier post of yours as well sometime back, eh!;)
Oops :P
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