Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New city! (Day 58 - Project 366)

So finally I have done it.. taken my foot forward and here I am in this new city! The morning started with jogging with Alisha for the last time and the rest of the time was spent in bidding goodbyes to my friends & neighbours. I did feel a bit jittery while boarding the flight to Hyderabad with mom (she's spending a couple of days here) but I managed to hold myself together and ignored the feeling as much as I could.

I don't think it's going to be so bad. Yes, I am going to miss  my city. Yes, I am going to miss my dear ones. But this is also giving me a chance to explore myself .. and to see if I can really live alone ;)

As I write this, I am half trying to convince myself why I am here!

This might take time..but I am going to be stronggg!!! :)

P.S: I personally don't like posting too many posts at one go.. but I just couldn't help it this time. There was a whole lot of packing to do and I was pressed for time! :(


Seema. Vishwakarma said...

I was waiting so eagerly for ur first post from that city...
finally its here
Miss u too dear......
Be strong :)

Reema said...

All the best!! I am sure you will learn a lot of things!