Okay.. so I've been upto a LOT! All in a week's time!
For one thing, I finally enrolled for a dance class. It's a package of Salsa, Jive and Waltz and my first Jive session rocked this Sunday. I am born with two left feet and rarely shake a leg at parties, so you see, taking up these classes and dancing with everyone there was a Herculean task for me! But, I did it! And I'm glad! :) I don't aspire to be a great dancer someday but I do want to stop feeling self-conscious when I'm dancing and I'm hoping these sessions serve that purpose! :D

I went to see off Mona at the airport that evening. She has gone to Delhi for her training at Indigo Airlines, and this post that I had written sometime back was actually meant for her! I'm missing her already, just hoping she settles soon!
I also met a LOT of people this week!
The Chai Tweetup last Friday was awesome. Kudos to Mihir for organising it! :)
Wagh Bakri Tea Lounge at Vile Parle (E) was the venue and more people turned up than we expected adding to the fun.
Mona and I entered at first, not knowing where everyone else was seated. We couldn't spot anyone we knew and rushed outside to call Mihir. He was still on his way there and forced us to go back in and start talking to the others. And so, we went back in. After about 30 minutes of awkwardness and two cups of Adhrak Chai, we started jabbering away and ended up meeting some really awesome people there!
Photo Courtesy: Sanjeev Sarma
Thanks to Neeraj for flicking the little notebook which had the names and handles of all those who came! :D He smartly put them all up here.
We had an amazing time and all of us spammed the Twitter timeline with #chai tweetup tweets once we got back home!
I met up with friends from my old workplace the next day. A lot had changed with respect to weight and hairstyles (Calvin looks really different without his beard!!) but we had just as much fun as we always used to have when we were together. The best part is, even after I met up with them after more than a month, I went back home with cheeks that hurt by laughing too much. There is some thing about certain people that never lets any amount of time cause a distance to crop up between them, and I hope it always stays that way. :)
I met up with college friends a day later and they said I had pulled down. Have I? It's not really a good thing because I am already underweight. Moreover, I thought I'd have gained a lot of it considering I spend most part of the day at home (this week being an exception!).
A day after that, a few of us met up with our friend Oscar who was back in India after a year and was going back to the States on Sunday. We had a great time hogging at Mondy's (that waiter has taken a dislike towards me only for the fact that the place seemed to be out of all that I ordered for!! :D) and walking down the streets of South Bombay talking, laughing and commenting on every little object of amusement.
So, it's rightly said that there are some things money can never buy. :-)
There is ONE thing that it CAN though- a cellphone!!!
If you've been following my tweets, you'd know my cellphone got confiscated by a professor in college today only because it vibrated on the table that I had kept it on. It was on silent mode. Can you believe that? And she refused to give it back to me until tomorrow, but I highly doubt she'll let me have it back that easily. I just hope I don't have to pay a fine, I didn't really "use" it, it vibrated by itself! :(
In a way, I did need a break after a long week, and no cellphone means not having to attend useless calls from network providers and insurance companies (those are usually the ones who miss me the most :P) so I guess it's okay.
Now, I need to start giving more attention than I did to work and my books :)
Okay now I'm out of here.. have a superb weekend!
Will come back and scribble some more later! :P
well guess am da 1st to comment lucky me and lucky u :P hehe..well am happy had an awsum week..hope u get more of those in dozens:D..will nt comment anyfin bout ur xpresson part and writing part cuz itz just marvellous..oscci thing ws real fun..u and ur mosumbi juice haha lol and he givin u that stare with those big eyeballs hinting if u wouldnt order anythn nw am gonna break my head on dat table lmao..
t.c bhangii mwah!
gud to hear this..
finally, i guess u have cum out of dat depression thing !
I hope everything is fine...
wishing you a very great and lovely week..
Thank you thank you!
Next time I'll look at the fruit stand like Ella suggested, and THEN order! ;)
Yes I have.. :)
Everything is going great. Wish you a great week ahead too! :)
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hmm nice it would be Fun to watch you dancing... ;)
Hah. Had a grt time reading this. Enjoyed it. :) U write with all ur heart. keep it up.
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