2009 was THE year of Twitter, Web 2.0, tweetups, Bar Camps, Wall Projects and the like. Twitter is really a huge source of information and an awesome way to keep you updated on "what's happening" in and around places. I attended BCM6 (BCM= Bar Camp Mumbai), the Wall Project, the Kalaghoda festival, (almost) attended the Sapling project all because of Twitter! If there is some controversy or a riot happening, or there is a particular train that is going to be delayed, you just come to know of it by logging in to Twitter and either looking it up or just asking fellow Twitterers! It's so far the best medium for exchange of information- in less than 140 characters! I met a lot of genuinely awesome people on Twitter too. Okay, I'm just going on and on about Twitter, but seriously, I can write a whole post on this (maybe I will!)!
It was a year of flop movies but Rajkumar Hirani made up for it very well with the release of "3 idiots"! :)

On a personal note, it was a year full of promises never kept. I thought I had found my "prince charming" and my dream-job but I was wrong with both. It only made me realise that what you want can be far different from your fascinations, and all your heart REALLY wants is to feel safe and be loved. It taught me that happiness cannot be sought. The more you seek it- the more it slips away.
I came across too many new and different things. Until last year, I was of the opinion that life had nothing left to offer, but now, I say it offers much more than we can take!! I stepped out of my comfort zone and explored a lot of different areas and environments.
I got my own domain! :)
I cast my first vote! :D
I learnt "Yoga". I never thought yoga and philosophy was my cup of tea but circumstances somehow led me to it and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience! :)
I stayed over at a blog friend's place (in a whole new city that too) for the first time! :) Online friendship (Blog friendship especially) is a different experience altogether and I wish all would experience it! Please don't blindly believe anything that people say till you experience it for yourself.
My brother came down from the States after a year and a half! It was fun having him over for a month, it flew very quickly though. He gifted me a digi cam and a lappie! :D
I lost my grandfather; had never experienced the loss of someone before. This was deep and I was with him when he passed away. I'm thankful he didn't suffer much. I have a few regrets though and maybe I'll never get over them...
My cousin got married and it was the first Manglorian wedding I was part of. The music and dance that followed was pure fun. It was awesome to see close family letting themselves loose on that day!
I came a little closer to family than before and I am glad. Friends keep changing with time, and the friends that usually take leave early are the ones who promise to be with you forever.

I set out to build a career and ended up making a few mistakes. I know I can't undo them now, but I know I have to be more careful next time and choose wisely. I've ignored my studies and a lot of my other duties. I need to get everything back on track now- and I will !
All in all, a year full of mixed emotions, new beginnings and endings and a bag full of lessons learnt!
"Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us." (via @aditipatel04)
Wonderful Collage!
Happy New year! :)
May you get everything you wish for!
Enjoyyyy! :)
Wish you and your family a very happy and prosperous new year! :) :)
Aur mein apne aap ko links mein paake bahut khush hui.... :D :D
gr8 collage.
Hope to see ya at this month's Sapling Project.
Do sign up http://thesaplingproject.com
cheers and have great twenty ten ahead :)
Have nothing much to say but just two words, "Nice post" :)~
First time commenting here but knew a lot about you with this one post !!! :D :D :D :D
Wish you the happiest year ahead !!
I believe I had been to your place loooong ago, I guess your blog looked so black back then !!! hai na???
and for that prince charming and job...that happens to all ! sigh !!! I guess there a lot of frogs yet to be kissed :D :D :D
See ya around !
Thanks dear, wish you the same! :)
Haahaa... dekh aur famous kar diya terko :P
Wish you the same dear!! :)
Hey thanks and welcome to my blog :)
Will sign up right away!
Hope you have a wonderful year too!
I too have just two words: "Thank You" :)
Hehehehe I'm not into "frogs"; my preferences are different :P
Wish you a good year too! :)
And yes, my blog was black with a big yellow sunflower on it! I changed the look exactly a year back though.. bahot time ke baad aaya shayad :P
beware!! vimal has found your blog!! :P
great collage!! Digicam and lappie?? wow!!!
happy new year!
Yeah, got a lot of warnings about him from blogosphere! :D @vimmuuu :P
Thanks a lot dear!! :) Wish you the same!
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